
A list of 5 people to surround yourself with

Meeting new people as an adult is confusing. It’s not like it was when you were ten. There’s no luxury of easy introduction for friendship like there was back in grade school.

You’re now on your own. Whether you’re making new friends, ending childhood ones or even dating for potential love– this is my opinionated list of five people to surround yourself with.

  1. Those who are kind-hearted and positive
    • The generous souls are kind because that’s who they are. There is no ulterior motive, no clout chasing and no suspicion. Traits of a kind-hearted soul are in plain sight. It’s the way they offer support without being asked and speak in curious manners. There’s a sort of aura that shines from them, probably exuding in yellow and gold. There is already so much negativity in the world, and everyone always has something they aren’t talking about. It’s important that the people you surround yourself with are cognizant of their own energy. Not to say that you can’t be around people who have their downs moments — you most definitely can because that’s 100% normal. It’s more so about being around people who are aware that negativity in their own lives shouldn’t bring other people down.
  2. Those who know themselves
    • People who know what they stand for are people who are at peace with themselves. Meeting people like this in turn will bring you equal peace. In an era of so much influence, I promise you don’t want to be around people who yap to influence so much about nothing. Socrates said, “to know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” According to Merriam Webster, wisdom is defined as the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships. It’s better to be around a few wise folks than a crowd of superficial strangers, AKA quality over quantity.
  3. Those who inspire you
    • Something I love from each of my friends is that they have something about them that makes me super proud to know them. One friend is daringly creative with her music endeavors, one is stunningly patient (I as a fire sign cannot fathom but I try to learn), and another is determined and hard-working in any pursuit in her life. These are qualities I admire in my friends and they inspire me to step up in the areas where I feel I lack. Not only in friendships, but also in relationships…it’s important to date someone who supports you becoming the best version of yourself. Someone who wants to goes with you every step of the way versus one who steps back and stays comfortable while you grow.
  4. Those who can be held accountable
    • The victim mindset has got to go! Those who cannot take accountability for their own actions are those who will leave you hanging in your time of need, and then make you feel bad about it too. It’s called ~ manipulation ~. These people are also ones who cannot reflect and grow from their past. They stay stuck, thinking that life is over because mistakes were made and because life didn’t turn out as picture perfect as they thought. RUN away from people like this because they tend to drag you down when they’re low as well. I also tend to think people like this lack forgiveness and aren’t the kindest people to be around.
  5. Those who listen well and don’t judge so quickly
    • I’ve always believed it’s more important to be a listener than a talker. It’s important to be able to do both, but you can tell a lot about the quality of a person by the way they listen well and ask questions. You want to be around people who will let you speak without jumping in to interrupt. You also want to be around people who ask questions out of curiosity and open-mindedness. Look at the way you’re asked questions versus the great idea you’re getting asked questions, if that makes any sense. People who listen well and ask questions well also tend to be more easily trusted. You definitely want to be around people who others can trust because if we have nothing, we at least have our own reputations.

Not in the list but an important one to end this conversation is that once you find yourself in a deeper connection with someone, you want to ask yourself if this is a person you can call when you aren’t feeling yourself.

Life is a rollercoaster with many ups and downs, and it’s impossible to only exist on all of the highs. If the people in your life only care to speak to you when you’re happy, then these people don’t care about you. Maybe you think this is a strong opinion but it’s my blog so what are we going to do. People who genuinely care about you want you to know they’re there for both the success and the pitfalls.

If we think of the limited time that comes with being alive on Earth, you have to ask yourself what company you keep and with who you spend your precious time with.

Hope this list was helpful 🙂 Now go make some new friends!